
2021-2023 Master of Fine Arts, HDK-Valand, Gothenburg, Sweden
2017-2021 Bachelor of Fine Arts, HfbK Hamburg, Class of Broomberg & Chanarin, Hamburg, Germany
2013-2017 Neue Schule für Fotografie, Class of Eva Maria Ocherbauer, Berlin, Germany


2024 Looking at My Brother, Book Launch and Exhibition at NW Gallery, Copenhagen
2023 HDK Valand Graduation Show, „The child of a moment ago enters without a word“ Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg, Sweden
2023 Group Show, Spring Break, Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg, Sweden
2022 Group Show, Various Works, reading one sentence per day, looking for cyan in a grey sky at Galleri Format, Malmö, Sweden
2022 Group Show, Smart Objects, Galleri Monitor, Gothenburg, Sweden
2022 Group Show, Gute Gerätschaft, in Frappant e.V, Hamburg, Germany
2022 Group Show (Art, Health & History) - Swim Good, in the Gallery of the Academy of the Arts sponsored by University of Hamburg, Centre for the Study of Health, Ethics and Society, Hamburg, Germany
2021 Group Show, Suture, Goethe Institut, Paris Photo, Paris, France
2020 Archers Paradox - about the Spine, HfBK Hamburg - Class of Broomberg & Chanarin, Hamburg, Germany
2020 The child of a moment ago enters without a word, Annual Show, HfBK Hamburg - Class of Broomberg & Chanarin, Hamburg, Germany
2018 Group Show, Analog, curated by Eva Maria Ocherbauer, Neue Schule für Fotografie, Berlin, Germany
2017/2018 Vergissmeinnicht, exhibited at NRW Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany
Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
Landesmuseum Koblenz, Festung Ehrenbreitstein, Koblenz, Germany
Goethe Institut Hanoi, Vietnam
2017 Vergissmeinnicht, Graduate Exhibition, Neue Schule für Fotografie, Berlin, Germany
2017 Group Show, in between, curated by Eva Bertram, Neue Schule für Fotografie, Berlin, Germany
2016 Photoart Volume I, curated by Lala Moebius, Berlin, Germany
2016 Masterclass & Residency with Julian Röder & Daniel Josefsohn, Ruhrtriennale, Bochum, Germany
2015 Kunstverein Frankfurt with Trevor Paglen, Landscapes of Surveillance, Frankfurt, Germany
2014 Group Show, Mehrwert, curated by Prof. Manfred Schmalriede, Berlin, Germany
2014 Group Show, in Berlin, Galerie GH36, Berlin, Germany
2014 Group Show, Moving Art Home, Copenhagen, Denmark
2014 Solo Show, Chicago, 2012 (to Henk), in den Räumen von Galerie Karin Günther, Hamburg, Germany
2013 Solo Show, Lichtung Tegel Laubenpieper, Seekult Festival, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Artist Talks

2024 Book Launch, Looking at My Brother, Bildband Berlin
2024 Lecture Performance, Looking at My Brother, Freiraum, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
2024 Looking at My Brother, Book Launch, Rentzelstr. 36, Hamburg
2024 Looking at My Brother, Book Presentation and Artist Talk with Eva Maria Ocherbauer at Camera Austria in Graz, Austria
2024 Looking at My Brother, Artist Talk with Eva Maria Ocherbauer at Softcover in Vienna, Austria

Grants, Stipends

2024 Travel Grant, Konstnärsnämnden
2023 Assistentstipendium, Konstnärsnämnden
Eric Ericsson Grant
2022 Looking at my Brother - Shortlist Carte Blanche, Paris sponsored by Paris Photo, Picto Foundation and SNCF Gares & Connexions
2021 Aenne Biermann Price for the Work, Looking at my Brother, Exhibition and Publication, Gera, Germany
2018 Working Grant, Slagman & Schwarzmann, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin, Germany
2017/2018 Vergissmeinnicht, received prize for Gute Aussichten - young German photography award
2016 Masterclass & Residency with Julian Röder & Daniel Josefsohn, Ruhrtriennale, Bochum, GermanyCollections


Mölndal Municipality Art Collection
Museum für angewandte Kunst Gera